Our offerings in NYC have everything one will need to live sufficiently. Landlords know that during a pandemic home security is of upmost importance. Pre-war buildings with post-war amenities. In a market that is continuously evolving, Eric Goodman Realty remains the one constant in the industry.
Laundry In-Unit
319 East 90th St.
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Laundry in Building
307 East 89th St.
This building doubles as our home office! 307 East 89th has everything you need in NYC. Elevator (check), Laundry? (check). Schedule a visit! You will not be able to find a bigger bedroom at the price in the neighborhood.
Midnight Express Diner
256 East 89th
Perched above the Midnight Express Diner is a beautifully black faced walk-up building. 256 East 89th blends modern design and simplicity in it offerings and is one of our most exclusive listings!
256 East 89th
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